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Hilma - Sakura - Jermu - Hani - Ava - Miko - Nana
#1 female
Reg. ER49357/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Timo Sivonen, Kotka
Hips: A/A
Eyes: Ok, minor distichiasis
Health: False pregnancy, sterilized
» DogNet
4 x BOB
3 x BOS
3 x Res-CACIB
3 x CAC
2 x Res-CAC
This beautiful girl has strong bones and strong, but calm temperament. Hilma was one of the all red puppies and she will stay red, unlike her mother who has red coat with black hairs in it. Hilma lives in a kennel outside looking after the yard. And she is really good guard!
Hilma is a beautiful girl and that’s what judges think of her also, so she is a Finnish Champion.
Hilma was co-owned and I dreamt to have puppies to her. I even took her to see a gorgeous male at France, but with no results. Then she started to be all moody and down after her seasons and we decided to sterilize her. After that all the problems were gone.
At the end of summer 2010 Hilma got a friend, Marski. And the red pair is the best friends.
#2 female
Reg. ER49358/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Eveliina Saastamoinen, Iisalmi
Hips: D/B
Eyes: Ok
» DogNet
Sakura is very, very sweet little Japanese girl. Sakura was the lady of the litter. She never did anything bad. She really is like a Japanese cherry blossom, like her name.
Sakura is her young owner’s own dog. When Sakura sees familiar face appearing to home she wags her tail and welcomes people in. Even thought Sakura is a nice dog, at young age she did try to take the lead of the family.
Sakura plays along with friend dogs and likes the snow at winter. I think she would have been a great mother.
Sakura has two Saluki friends living with her.
Sakura's sites. Saluki's sites.
IN MEMORIAM 2006-2007
#3 male, long haired
Reg. ER49359/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Janita Sinisalo, Anjalankoski
Eyes: Uveitis (because of UDS)
Health: UDS, dead
» DogNet
Jermu were all black and silky when he was born. The reason came clear when he was 3 weeks old… He has long hair. There is an Akita under the teddy bear looks. Jermu is a very dear protector of the family.
When Jermu was a puppy he charmed everybody because of his fuzzy coat and calm temperament. He was also an adventurer. You never knew where he was going.
When Jermu was only 10 months old he got really sick. And before the Christmas 2007 he was put to sleep. Jermu got UDS (VKH) and he got the best treatment there is, but you can’t fight against this sickness. He is missed very dearly.
Jermu's UDS diary (only in finnish)
#4 female, long haired
Reg. ER49360/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Sanna Juntunen, Puokiovaara
Hips: B/C
Elbows: 0/0
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: OK
Health: Aborted pregnancy, has one litter
» DogNet
Like Jermu Hani was also silky and black as a puppy. Hani lives at norther Finland so her double coat is useful there. Hani lived a while with different animals, like cows. She also got to know what kind of life Huskies has – by looking their lives from inside…
Hani lives together with a red Akita male Kendo. The pair got a litter at the end of 2011. There are one boy and 3 girls, all red. Unfortunately one girl passed away right away. Kendo doesn’t carry a long haired gene, because all the puppies have normal coat.
.#5 female
Reg. ER49361/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Riina Partanen, Ylöjärvi
Hips: A/A
Eyes: Ok
Health: Has one litter, sterilized
» DogNet
1 x EXC
Ava has extremely great dark red coat with few black hairs. I’m not surprised because when she was born her coat was all black. Ava has a strong mind and I’m happy she found herself a home from an Akita family.
Ava is a little terrier who loves to do something. When you come home she welcomes you with a wagging tail and a toy in her mouth. Such a sunny girl! Ava’s half-brother was waiting for her when she moved to her new home. Ava and Canon are good friends.
I borrowed Ava for breeding. She has one litter: J litter. Ava fit in extremely well to my pack of dogs and I took her and her mother Martta for walks together. Maybe they remembered each other?
At 2010 Ava moved to a new home with all kind of small pets. She enjoys her new life with new family.
IN MEMORIAM 2006-2012
#6 male
Reg. ER49362/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Emmiina Räsänen, Oulu
Health: Atopic skin, SA biopsy negative, castrated
» DogNet
Miko was the cutest puppy. At first his owner didn’t know what to call him and the right name came up later. Miko lives together with a Coton de tulear girl Peppi.
Miko is his owners good friend and helps her when she is down. Miko looks much alike his father. He has very hansom face and beautiful red color.
Miko thinks he has to be sure of new people before he lets them near him. Miko is not angry, but unsure to new things and people. Miko likes to watch animal shows at tv. And he likes to “talk”.
Miko had always skin problems and he was put to sleep at spring 2012. Miko is missed very dearly.
#7 female
Reg. ER49363/06
Breeder Emilia Honkanen
Owner Emma Konttila, Tapojärvi
Health: Ear infections
» DogNet
Nana or Duracel like we used to call her as a puppy, was a little surprice – nice one. She was born four hours later and we didn’t even expect anymore puppies. At first she had troubles to breath but her ongoing temperament she made it easily.
Nana looks exactly like her mother Martta. Nana lives way up north and keep her owner and her “granny” smiling.