Jyry - Sulo - Hulda - Inuki - Oliver - Turo - Haru
#1 male
Reg. FI14140/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Saku Pöntinen, Ristiina
» KoiraNet
1 x BOB-puppy
1 x SQ
As a puppy Jyry was very calm ruler, who never gave up. He had the most lovable puppy-look when he wanted something. And he added to that a wigging tale – and I was sold.
Jyry moved to a country side keeping strangers out of their garden and to keep his owner a company. The boys drive with snow scooter and do other fun stuff together!
Jyry has grow up to be a hansom male with fun stripes. He gets along with people and with nice dogs. Jyry likes to run and go to walks with his master.
#2 male
Reg. FI14141/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Johanna Korhonen, Kajaani
Health: Only one testicle
» DogNet
Sulo is very much alike his mother Sissi. He is a boy who has beautiful brindle coat and very lovable temperament. As a puppy Sulo make sure he didn’t leave hungry. Sulo comes along almost with any dog - male or female.
Sulo moved to a family who’s earlier Akita male Eetu died because of UDS (VKH). Sulo’s life mission is to make his family enjoy the time with him. Unfortunately Sulo only has one testicle.
#3 female
Reg. FI14145/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Niko Koivisto, Pieksämäki
Hips: B/A
Eyes: OK
Knees: 0/0 (clear)
Elbows: 0/0 (clear)
Back: OK
» DogNet
3 x BOB-pentu
2 x CAC
Hulda is the biggest newborn from Juno’s line. She loved to eat and didn’t move away if she wasn’t ready. She took what she wanted, but wasn’t never too tough.
Hulda has more temperament than her mother, but she has her mother’s kangaroo blood. There is always something on Hulda’s mind. Hulda is a copy of her father Marski and her great-grandmother Juno! I’m looking forward to see what kind of an Akita she will be. Hulda is placed with cooperation agreement and will some day have puppies of her own.
Hulda trains agility. She is so funny while playing alone at outside and running around when feeling happy. Hulda just keeps going. I’m wondering to take a puppy from Hulda’s litter to live with me.
Hulda's blog
#4 male
Reg. FI14142/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Kevin Malviluoto, Helsinki
» DogNet
2 x BOB
3 x BOS
3 x FI-CAC
1 x NO-CAC
Inuki came to the world in a hurry, so his is name Goten fits like a glove to him. Inuki is one of the biggest boys in this litter. He has a great brindle coat and he is a very hansom boy!
Inuki lives with a Bullmastiff girl Lady and I’m sure this pair turns people’s heads while walking outside. Inuki is pleasant, masculine male.
#5 male
Reg. FI14144/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Jenni Luomaa, Lahti
» DogNet
Oliver – the energy drink ;) This boy reminds very much his father Marski when it comes to temperament. Oliver was a satisfied puppy who didn’t worry much about anything. He was a funny boy, always going when others fell asleep.
Oliver reminds both of his parents, but there is more Sissi’s looks in him than Marski’s. Although the color may say otherwise.
Oliver is his owners joy and watches over the guinea pigs. Oliver meets other dogs regular bases and likes to play with them. Specially a Karelian Bear Dog Nelli is Oliver’s favourite. Maybe Oliver enters few shows.
» Oliver's blog and gallery.
#6 male
Reg. FI14143/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Anita Leppänen, Jämsänkoski
» DogNet
1 x PUP1
Turo was the darkest, blackest puppy and he started to show stripes much later – near 7 weeks old. Turo’s family visited often to see the puppies and they just couldn’t let him go, so he moved to keep boys going. Turo’s dog friends are Eetu and Yaki. All of them are boys.
Turo’s owners likes his mother Sissi very much, and it pleases me to think that they got their own copy of her. I’m amazed how the three boys gets along so well.
#7 female
Reg. FI14146/11
Breeder. Emilia Honkanen
Owner Breeder. & Tommi Rummukainen, Helsinki
» DogNet
1 x BOS-puppy
2 x SQ
We waited so much more girls to come, but then Sissi relax and we tought that the labor is over. But after few hours Haru came! This sweet girl has an excellent expression, small ears and great structure. Sweet, sweet girl!
As a puppy Haru think first and act then. She didn’t do anything in a hurry and the puppy test showed that she would be a great family pet. And she sure is. Haru lives with Staffordshire Bull Terrier Caius. Haru is placed with a cooperation agreement and will have puppies some day. Her temperament is agile - she wants to keep moving.