» Viribus Unitis in Finnish Kennel Club's breeding database
Note! The seller can be other than Emilia, whos kennelname Viribus Unitis is. The seller always makes all the decisions about his/hers litter.
Akita suits to person who understands to be a 'pack leader'. I think that is the most important thing in a buyer. You also need to have a sense of humour and lots of nerves. When you understand that Akita is a dominant breed, you can quite easily make a long lasting friend of it.
I feed organic food to my dogs, because Akitas do have a troubles with allergy and skin problems and good food can be a huge help.
Akita is a Japanese dog and it is Japan’s national breed. I think it’s easier to understand Akita when you understand Japanese people (tradition, habits, dignity).
When you ask a puppy, please tell me about yourself, your way of life, your family and what animals you own/have owned. Tell me also why you want an Akita and do you prefer a male or a female, and why.
It doesn’t matter if you are not familiar with dogs. When you know what you are doing, Akita will bring joy and happiness. I would like to see the promising puppies at shows but I don’t insist it. When you are asking a puppy from me, I assume you have red at least my pages through.
I hope to hear what is going on in my puppies’ lives. I also think it’s important to tell if a puppy has SA or VKH/UDS. Only that way we can know the risks of bloodlines and try to find the best male for a female.
Hopefully a dog of your life, but also..